Quest:Lodging for a Day's Labour

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Lodging for a Day's Labour
Level 97
Type Solo
Starts with Gladion
Starts at Dínadab
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [63.2S, 59.8W]
Ends with Gladion
Ends at Gladion's Home
End Region Lamedon
Map Ref [63.2S, 59.8W]
Quest Group Western Gondor: Lamedon
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ho there, traveller! You look as if you are in need of a meal, and a place to put up your feet. You have a wholesome look about you.

'You are welcome to take respite and break bread with us tonight, and in exchange we ask for a day's work on our farm. I am Gladion, and Limril my wife is a fine cook.'


Gladion, a farmer of northern Lamedon, has offered you a night of lodging and hospitality in exchange for a day's labour on his farm.

Objective 1

  • Tell Gladion you will help him with his work

Gladion is at his farm in northern Lamedon.

You should speak with Gladion about the help he needs on his farm.

Gladion: 'So you are interested in helping out? That is excellent. There are some squeaky chairs that Limril will not let back into the house until they are repaired, and also a ladder with a broken rung. I do not want anyone getting hurt.'
Gladion wants you to repair some squeaky chairs and a ladder

Objective 2

  • Repair the squeaky chairs (0/2)
  • Repair the broken ladder (0/1)

Gladion's farm is in northern Lamedon.

You should repair damaged furniture at Gladion's farm.

Repaired a squeaky chair
Repaired a ladder

Objective 3

  • Ask Gladion what else he needs

Gladion is at his farm in northern Lamedon.

You should speak with Gladion about the help he needs on his farm.

Gladion: 'That was fast! Thank you for the help, <name>. Now, if you would be so good as to help with the harvest. The Wheat and cabbages are ready for picking, and the carrots need to be brought to the wagon bound to Calembel.'

Objective 4

  • Harvest wheat from the fields (0/3)
  • Pick cabbages (0/5)
  • Collect the carrots for delivery (0/1)
  • Carry the crate of carrots to the waggon bound for Calembel (0/1)

The wheat and cabbages can be harvested from the fields at Gladion's farmstead. The crate of carrots is on Gladion's farm, and should be carried to the Calembel-bound waggon in the centre of the village.

You should harvest the crops and carry the carrots to the waggon.

You should harvest the wheat and cabbages, and carry the carrot-crate to the waggon bound for Calembel

Objective 5

  • Return to Gladion

Gladion is at his farm in northern Lamedon.

You should return to Gladion.

Gladion: 'Ah! Well done, friend. You have good arms and a strong back for this sort of work. Our village could use you, you know. It is a good life here in Lamedon.'
You politely tell Gladion that your life is one for traveling, not sitting still.
'A shame, <name>. But that is well. You shall sit still tonight, at my wife's table! You will have a good rest this night.'